13 Insider Secrets to Selling Your Home
ATTENTION: If you’re in the market to sell your home, and you want to avoid all the mistakes that could lead to a low selling price, then these 13 secrets I’ll reveal inside could earn you thousands more!
We interviewed 3 real estate insiders (including John Assaraf, star of best selling movie “The Secret” and a guest on hit shows like Ellen, Oprah and Larry King. John also owned his own Real Estate Company with over 100 offices and 1500 Real Estate Agents business and sold over $4.5 billion in real estate annually), we asked them to share all of their real-estate selling secrets.
Inside you’ll discover:
- How to make sure you always have the upper hand in the negotiation, without having to fight with the buyer (you’ll be amazed at the power you feel when you apply this technique)
- Why NOT controlling your emotions will KILL your asking price…
- 3 simple strategies to make sure your home sells fast (hint: homes get the most exposure in the first month, and these strategies take FULL advantage of that)
- Why hiring the right real-estate agent can dramatically increase your sale price and how to identify them
- How to FORCE your realtor to work harder for you than for anyone else, resulting in a higher selling price (And no, this secret doesn’t involve any out-of-pocket expenses to you)
- How to get a 20% bump in your asking price, simply by applying a few easy tricks
- And why you should hide all photographs in your home before ever allowing potential buyers in
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What people are saying about “The ULTIMATE ‘Cheat Sheet’ For Earning Thousands On Your Home!”
“I found the insider report hard hitting, informative and exciting, I cant wait to apply some of these secrets when I am ready to sell next month” ~ Simon Caldwell Vista
“Wow, what a great download, I’ve heard about Property Styling but had no idea how powerful it can be, thank you” ~ Sarah Rawlings West Beach
“Our Case Study Inside the report sold their home is 5 weeks for $185 000 over estimated sale price, you can understand why they were very impressed” ~ Tiffany Murray Insider
Download your free copy of 13 Insider Secrets to Selling Your Home for Thousands over Asking Price.
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